Monday 20 April 2009

Down But Not Out

I would like to apologise to my loyal cluster of readers for the lack of activity on DAOILAL over the past few weeks. Regrettably, most of my time is being taken up with seeking alternative employment having recently been given notice of potential redundancy. Down and Out has thus had to take a back seat I'm afraid. I am now a government statistic, another victim of the global recession. Nevermind. I have been reassured that this is all part of lifes rich tapestry and no doubt I will ultimately look back on this set back as a positive experience, and one which I can learn from.

On the plus side I can look forward to: lie-ins everyday, watching The Wright Stuff/Working Lunch, the ability to spend all night boozing without worrying about work, browsing the internet, drinking endless cups of tea, catching up on unread or unfinished novels, spending more time in the kitchen honing my cookery skills, camping, going to the library and house sitting for friends or relatives. Some people I know have been doing these things for the past 6 years. Thank God for redundancy!


Owen Polley said...

If you were to get a cat you could take it to the vet. Don't worry old chap. I'm sure some patenting work could be found.

Anonymous said...

An excellent opportunity for you to lose some weight friend. A man of your height and bone structure should be aiming for around the 13.5 stone mark.